Identity Publications

Boutique Nonfiction Publishing & Book Production

Book Creation Coaching

Meet with Gregory weekly to shape the outline and content of your book through targeted interviews, feedback, and consulting.

Drafting and Editing

In cases when an author may be stuck in a rut or too busy to bring their work in progress across the finish line, we help perfect it to a standard that accurately captures their message.

Publishing on Amazon

Complete the production process and get your book out there in e-book, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook formats at the standards of traditional publishing houses.

Publish Books That Matter

Important messages deserve influence. Independently publishing a book, e-book, and audiobook is the best way to get important messages out to the world in a durable, profitable, convenient, and respected form. Identity Publications works with select writers who need assistance at any or all stages of the path to becoming successful authors.

Latest on Writing and Publishing

A book is more than a collection of useful ideas. It's a journey from a low point of understanding to a higher one. Your role as author is to guide readers to where you want them to be. You can only do that if you know where they are when they begin, what is missing from their paradigm, and the...

When you look at other books like yours, can you easily determine what is unique about them? Can you tell what the experience of reading them is going to be like and what kind of information you will receive? How do the title, subtitle, cover, description, and author photo and bio accomplish this?

Amazon uses an internal ranking system to determine which of its roughly 12 million e-books published for Kindle are performing the best, according to metrics it has specified and weighted by its own proprietary values. Every e-book is ranked with a number value known as the Amazon Best Seller Rank (ABSR) number. ABSR numbers are constantly in...

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